Introducing: Tales from the Table


February 15th, 2019

3 mins 5 secs

Your Host

About this Episode

Introducing Tales from the Table, an actual-play Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition podcast blending fantasy storytelling with improv comedy. Each week we stumble our way through a homebrewed campaign, telling the story of Kaden, Flower, and Athanasius, rookie adventurers struggling to get by in a strange world made even stranger by a magical catastrophe. Things might not always go smoothly, but we have a blast anyway!

Our first full-length episode will be posted on Friday, February 22nd, with additional episodes releasing every Friday.

Like what you hear? Subscribe so you never miss an episode, and rate & review to help others join our adventure!

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Audrey, as Flower the serpentfolk paladin
Mac, as Kaden Onyxcobble the halfling sorcerer
Kevin, as Athanasius Argentianus Anguisian the silver dragonborn cleric
and Cloud as Dungeon Master.

Edited and produced by Cloud. Special thanks to Matt Marshall for editing help and general good advice on all things podcasting. Theme music: 8-Bit Adventure by AdhesiveWombat (